Getting started with Django

March 17, 2022

Django is an extremely popular and fully featured server-side web framework, written in Python. This module shows you why Django is one of the most popular web server frameworks, how to set up a development environment, and how to start using it to create your own web applications. Django is a powerful web development framework that allows developers to build scalable and dynamic web applications with ease. In this beginner-level course, you’ll learn the basics of Django and how to create your first web application from scratch.

However, Django’s decoupled architecture means that you can usually pick and choose from a number of different options, or add support for completely new ones if desired. Opinionated frameworks are those with opinions about the “right way” to handle any particular task. They often support rapid development in a particular domain (solving problems of a particular type) because the right way to do anything is usually well-understood and well-documented. However they can be less flexible at solving problems outside their main domain, and tend to offer fewer choices for what components and approaches they can use. Django is now a thriving, collaborative open source project, with many thousands of users and contributors.

Build Modern Web Applications with Python

Most of the time when you’ll be working on some Django projects, you’ll find that each project may need a different version of Django. This problem may arise when you install Django in a global or default environment. To overcome this problem we will use virtual environments in Python.

Django for Python Developers Lessons

Unopinionated frameworks, by contrast, have far fewer restrictions on the best way to glue components together to achieve a goal, or even what components should be used. They make it easier for developers to use the most suitable tools to complete a particular task, albeit at the cost that you need to find those components yourself. Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of a basicpoll application. Did you come up with ideas on how to improve your Django project while learning by example in this tutorial? If so, share your ideas with the Real Python community in the comments below. You may have already noticed that Django reminded you that there were some unapplied migrations when you were running the Django development server.

Data in Django

You should always use include() when you include other URL is the only exception to this. Now that your environment Django for Python Developers Lessons – a “project” – is set up, you’re set to startdoing work. You’ll need to avoid naming projects after built-in Python or Djangocomponents.

After running the above command you will see a folder named venv with the following sub-directories. If you’d like to become proficient in Django, premium courses cover multiple projects in far richer depth and provide a progressive introduction to Django concepts. But the best part of Django is the community, which is welcoming and supportive to developers of all backgrounds and experience levels. There are regular meetups in major cities, annual conferences, online communities, and a forum to help fellow developers.

Django Models

Web frameworks often refer to themselves as “opinionated” or “unopinionated”. Django follows the “Batteries included” philosophy and provides almost everything developers might want to do “out of the box”. Because everything you need is part of the one “product”, it all works seamlessly together, follows consistent design principles, and has extensive and up-to-date documentation.